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How to buy and sell gift voulcher. How to buy and sell gift voulcher on

How to buy and sell gift voulcher

How to buy and sell gift voulcher on

Our gift voulcher is expired when we don't use them but we can sell gift voulcher  like [Book my show, flipkart, amazon, only, fbb, KFC, i.e. the example of voulcher and many others.. ] online many sites we have

So today we learn

how to sell it


Only simple 5 steps
So we have to go to on our browser like these sites where we can buy and sell gift voulcher



 But I recommend you have to sell on NAFA
Because they take the 5%amount of selling gift voulcher
And for buying they don't take any extra charges.
Click at upper right section and if u are a new user so sign up and older so, sing in.
After click on upper right section choose what you want to do
Either sell or you can buy.

So we take example for selling


After this interference will showed you now you can enter your volucher brand their 

We take an example of book my show okay

Afer searching book my show this will be showed on your screens.

But search like this bookmyshow without any gap or space ok
After that this interference will be shown
Now put the details like
*Code of your voulcher
*Validity of your voulcher
*price of your voulcher
*selling price of your voulcher

After completing all tasks

Click on list gift cards

And go to my listings for check your voulchers

Wait this is not verified
Nafa will verify your voulcher in one day or half day after verification
Anyone who want a voulcher so they can buy leave it for selling when it will sell funds will be transferred into your
Bank a/c
Paytm wallet
Flipkart gift voulcher
These withdraw option have nafa.
So how can we withdraw
Goto my funds
And edit your payment option
What you preffer for now wait untill when anyone buy your volucher.
Fund will transfer in your a/c.
Any questions and query you can comment in comment section.
Thanks. ЁЯСН
Question time
What price you will sell higher or lower?
What you will Preferred site?
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